Big, positive news for public education and parents: "This order makes clear that edtech providers cannot outsource compliance responsibilities to schools, or force students to choose between their privacy and education".
Kudos to the Federal Trade Commission for standing up for chidren's right to privacy and offering much-needed guidance to the poorly regulated edtech sector. Lots of useful takeaways here for the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada/Commissariat à la protection de la vie privée du Canada and the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario.

Click to read the referenced article: FTC Says Ed Tech Provider Edmodo Unlawfully Used Children’s Personal Information for Advertising and Outsourced Compliance to School Districts | Federal Trade Commission
While I'm at it, a gentle reminder to government agencies is in order to impose student data deletion upon cloud and education providers at the end of each school year, without exception. This is particularly critical now that AI and biometric data analytics are being normalized in classrooms.