Remember the good old days when information was either true or false? Today we face a daily onslaught of misleading narratives, fake news, post-truth political rhetoric, weaponized marketing and every other kind of biased misinformation that can still fit into our diminishing attention spans.

If you are - or know - a policy maker, legislator, or government influencer, I invite you to take part in the final #DEFUSE Summit on November 29.
Register at and help drive societal change for an informed public. This year's ONLY event of this magnitude focuses on the spectrum of deceptive information, along with the key elements of intent, legislative control and public empowerment.

Click to read referenced article: How to identify misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation (ITSAP.00.300) - Canadian Centre for Cyber Security

This is your final chance to shape public policy as part of the NATO- sponsored DEFUSE Project that culminates next Tuesday. Once again the The KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation will be hosting the event with the assistance of the NATO Association of Canada and support from the Policy Insights Forum.

Register today at and grab one of the last 10 available seats, or share this information with an agent of change whose participation you are willing to recommend.

(with thanks to the Communications Security Establishment (CSE) | Centre de la sécurité des télécommunications (CST) and the Canadian Centre for Cyber Security for contributing the simplified terminology covered below).

#gov #cdnpoli #lawenforcement #disinformation #socialmedia